Package 'bootSVD'

Title: Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for High Dimensional Data
Description: Implements fast, exact bootstrap Principal Component Analysis and Singular Value Decompositions for high dimensional data, as described in <doi:10.1080/01621459.2015.1062383> (see also <arXiv:1405.0922> ). For data matrices that are too large to operate on in memory, users can input objects with class 'ff' (see the 'ff' package), where the actual data is stored on disk. In response, this package will implement a block matrix algebra procedure for calculating the principal components (PCs) and bootstrap PCs. Depending on options set by the user, the 'parallel' package can be used to parallelize the calculation of the bootstrap PCs.
Authors: Aaron Fisher <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Aaron Fisher <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.1
Built: 2025-03-08 03:30:04 UTC

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Convert low dimensional bootstrap components to high dimensional bootstrap components


Let BB be the number of bootstrap samples, indexed by b=1,2,...Bb=1,2,...B. As2Vs is a simple function converts the list of principal component (PC) matrices for the bootstrap scores to a list of principal component matrices on the original high dimensional space. Both of these lists, the input and the output of As2Vs, are indexed by bb.


As2Vs(AsByB, V, pattern = NULL, ...)



a list of the PCs matrices for each bootstrap sample, indexed by bb. Each element of this list should be a (nn by KK) matrix, where KK is the number of PCs of interest, and nn is the sample size.


a tall (pp by nn) matrix containing the PCs of the original sample, where nn is sample size, and pp is sample dimension.


if V is a class ff object, the returned value will also be a class ff object. pattern is passed to ff in creation of the output.


passed to mclapply.


a B-length list of (p by K) PC matrices on the original sample coordinate space (denoted here as VbV^b). This is achieved by the matrix multiplication Vb=VAbV^b=VA^b. Note that here, VbV^b denotes the bthb^{th} bootstrap PC matrix, not VV raised to the power bb. This notation is the same as the notation used in (Fisher et al., 2014).


Aaron Fisher, Brian Caffo, and Vadim Zipunnikov. Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for p>1 million. 2014.


#use small n, small B, for a quick illustration
Y<-simEEG(n=100, centered=TRUE, wide=TRUE) 
DUt<- tcrossprod(diag(svdY$d),svdY$u)

# Yields the high dimensional bootstrap PCs (left singular 
# vectors of the bootstrap sample Y), 
# indexed by b = 1,2...B, where B is the number of bootstrap samples

Quickly calculates bootstrap PCA results (wrapper for bootSVD)


All arguments are passed to bootSVD. This function should be used in exactly the same way as bootSVD. The only difference is that PCA typically involves re-centering each bootstrap sample, whereas calculations involving the SVD might not.





passed to bootSVD, with centerSamples set to TRUE.



Calculates bootstrap distribution of PCA (i.e. SVD) results


Applies fast bootstrap PCA, using the method from (Fisher et al., 2014). Dimension of the sample is denoted by pp, and sample size is denoted by nn, with p>np>n.


bootSVD(Y = NULL, K, V = NULL, d = NULL, U = NULL, B = 50,
  output = "HD_moments", verbose = getOption("verbose"), bInds = NULL,
  percentiles = c(0.025, 0.975), centerSamples = TRUE, pattern_V = "V_",
  pattern_Vb = "Vb_")



initial data sample, which can be either a matrix or a ff matrix. Y can be either tall (pp by nn) or wide (nn by pp). If Y is entered and V, d and U (see definitions below) are not entered, then bootSVD will also compute the SVD of Y. In this case where the SVD is computed, bootSVD will assume that the larger dimension of Y is pp, and the smaller dimension of code Y is nn (i.e. bootSVD assumes that (p>np>n). This assumption can be overriden by manually entering V, U and d.
For cases where the entire data matrix can be easily stored in memory (e.g. p<50000p<50000), it is generally appropriate to enter Y as a standard matrix. When Y is large enough that matrix algebra on Y is too demanding for memory though, Y should be entered as a ff object, where the actual data is stored on disk. If Y has class ff, and V, d or U is not entered, then block matrix algebra will be used to calculate the PCs and bootstrap PCs. The results of these calculations will be returned as ff objects as well.


number of PCs to calculate the bootstrap distribution for.


(optional) the (pp by nn) full matrix of pp-dimensional PCs for the sample data matrix. If Y is wide, these are the right singular vectors of Y (i.e. Y=UDVY=UDV'). If Y is tall, these are the left singular vectors of Y (i.e. Y=VDUY=VDU'). In general it is assumed that p>np>n, however, this can be overridden by setting V and U appropriately.
Like Y, the argument V can be either a standard matrix or a ff matrix. If V is a ff object, the bootstrap PCs, if requested, will be returned as ff objects as well.


(optional) nn-length vector of the singular values of Y. For example, if Y is tall, then we have Y=VDUY=VDU' with D=diag(d).


(optional) the (nn by nn) full set of nn-dimensional singular vectors of Y. If Y is wide, these are the left singular vectors of Y (i.e. Y=UDVY=UDV'). If Y is tall, these are the right singular vectors of Y (i.e. Y=VDUY=VDU').


number of bootstrap samples to compute.


a vector telling which descriptions of the bootstrap distribution should be calculated. Can include any of the following: 'initial_SVD', 'HD_moments', 'full_HD_PC_dist', and 'HD_percentiles'. See below for explanations of these outputs.
For especially high dimensional cases, caution should be used if requesting 'full_HD_PC_dist' due to potential storage limitations.


if TRUE, the function will print progress during calculation procedure.


a (BB by nn) matrix of bootstrap indeces, where B is the number of bootstrap samples, and n is the sample size. The purpose of setting a specific bootstrap sampling index is to allow the results to be more precisely compared against standard bootstrap PCA calculations. If entered, the bInds argument will override the B argument.


a vector containing percentiles to be used to calculate element-wise percentiles across the bootstrap distribution (both across the distribution of pp-dimensional components and the distribution of nn-dimensional components). For example, percentiles=c(.025,.975) will return the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles, which can be used as 9595 percent bootstrap percentile CIs. Alternatively, a longer vector of percentiles can be entered.


whether each bootstrap sample should be centered before calculating the SVD.


if Y is a class ff object, then the returned PCs of Y will also be a class ff object. pattern_V is passed to ff in creation of the initial_SVD output. Specifically, pattern_V is a filename prefix used for storing the high dimensional PCs of the original sample.


if Y or V is a class ff object, then the returned bootstrap PCs will also be class ff objects. pattern_Vb is passed to ff in creation of the full_HD_PC_dist output. Specifically, pattern_Vb is a filename prefix used for storing the high dimensional bootstrap PCs.


Users might also consider changing the global options ffbatchbytes, from the ff package, and mc.cores, from the parallel package. When ff objects are entered as arguments for bootSVD, the required matrix algebra is done using block matrix alebra. The ffbatchbytes option determines the size of the largest block matrix that will be held in memory at any one time. The mc.cores option (set to 1 by default) determines the level of parallelization to use when calculating the high dimensional distribution of the bootstrap PCs (see mclapply).


bootSVD returns a list that can include any of the following elements, depending on what is specified in the output argument:


The singular value decomposition of the centered, original data matrix. initial_SVD is a list containing V, the matrix of pp-dimensional principal components, d, the vector of singular values of Y, and U, the matrix of nn-dimensional singular vectors of Y.


A list containing the bootstrap expected value (EPCs), element-wise bootstrap variance (varPCs), and element-wise bootstrap standard deviation (sdPCs) for each of the pp-dimensional PCs. Each of these three elements of HD_moments is also a list, which contains KK vectors, one for each PC. HD_moments also contains momentCI, a KK-length list of (pp by 2) matrices containing element-wise moment based confidence intervals for the PCs.


A BB-length list of matrices (or ff matrices), with the bthb^{th} list element equal to the (pp by KK) matrix of high dimensional PCs for the bthb^{th} bootstrap sample.
For especially high dimensional cases when the output is returned as ff matrices, caution should be used if requesting 'full_HD_PC_dist' due to potential storage limitations.
To reindex these PCs by kk (the PC index) as opposed to bb (the bootstrap index), see reindexMatricesByK. Again though, caution shoulded be used when reindexing PCs stored as ff objects, as this will double the number of files stored.


A list of KK matrices, each of dimension (pp by qq), where qq is the number of percentiles requested (i.e. qq = length(percentiles)). The kthk^{th} matrix in HD_percentiles contains element-wise percentiles for the kthk^{th}, pp-dimensional PC.

In addition, the following results are always included in the output, regardless of what is specified in the output argument:


A BB-length list of matrices, with the bthb^{th} list element equal to the (pp by KK) matrix of PCs of the scores in the bthb^{th} bootstrap sample. To reindex these vectors by kk (the PC index), see reindexMatricesByK.


A B-length list of vectors, with the bthb^{th} element of d_dist containing the nn-length vector of singular values from the bthb^{th} bootstrap sample. To reindex these values by kk (the PC index), see reindexVectorsByK.


A B-length list of (nn by KK) matrices, with the columns of the bthb^{th} matrix containing the nn-length singular vectors from the bthb^{th} bootstrap sample. To reindex these vectors by kk (the PC index), see reindexMatricesByK.


A list that is comparable to HD_moments, but that instead describes the variability of the nn-dimensional principal components of the resampled score matrices. LD_moments contains the bootstrap expected value (EPCs), element-wise bootstrap variances (varPCs), and element-wise bootstrap standard deviations (sdPCs) for each of the nn-dimensional PCs. Each of these three elements of LD_moments is also a list, which contains KK vectors, one for each PC. LD_moments also contains momentCI, a list of KK (nn by 2) matrices containing element-wise, moment-based confidence intervals for the PCs.


A list of KK matrices, each of dimension (pp by qq), where qq is the number of percentiles requested (i.e. qq = length(percentiles)). The kthk^{th} matrix in LD_percentiles contains element-wise percentiles for the kthk^{th} nn-dimensional PC.


Aaron Fisher, Brian Caffo, and Vadim Zipunnikov. Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for p>1 million. 2014.


#use small n, small B, for a quick illustration
Y<-simEEG(n=100, centered=TRUE, wide=TRUE) 
b<-bootSVD(Y, B=50, K=2, output= 
 	c('initial_SVD', 'HD_moments', 'full_HD_PC_dist',
 	'HD_percentiles'), verbose=interactive())

#explore results
matplot(b$initial_SVD$V[,1:4],type='l',main='Fitted PCs',lty=1)

# look specifically at 2nd PC

#looking at HD variability

#plot several draws from bootstrap distribution
		main=paste0('20 Draws from bootstrap\ndistribution of HD PC ',k))

#plot pointwise CIs
		main=paste0('CIs For HD PC ',k))
legend('topright',c('Fitted PC','Moment CIs','Percentile CIs'),

# looking at LD variability

# plot several draws from bootstrap distribution
		main=paste0('50 Draws from bootstrap\ndistribution of LD PC ',k),
	xlim=c(1,10),xlab='PC index (truncated)')

# plot pointwise CIs
		lty=1,main=paste0('CIs For LD PC ',k),xlim=c(1,10),
		xlab='PC index (truncated)',pch=1)
legend('topright',c('Moment CIs','Percentile CIs'),lty=1,
#Note: variability is mostly due to rotations with the third and fourth PC.

# Bootstrap eigenvalue distribution
boxplot(dsByK[[k]]^2,main=paste0('Covariance Matrix Eigenvalue ',k),
		ylab='Bootstrap Distribution',
legend('bottomright','Sample Value',pch=18,col='red')

#Example with ff input
Yff<-as.ff(Y, pattern='Y_')
# If desired, change options in 'ff' package to
# adjust the size of matrix blocks held in RAM.
# For example:
# options('ffbatchbytes'=100000)
pattern_V <- paste0(ff_dir,'/V_')
pattern_Vb <- paste0(ff_dir,'/Vb_')
bff <- bootSVD(Yff, B=50, K=2, output=c('initial_SVD', 'HD_moments',
 	'full_HD_PC_dist', 'HD_percentiles'), pattern_V= pattern_V,
 	pattern_Vb=pattern_Vb, verbose=interactive())

# Note that elements of full_HD_PC_dist and initial_SVD
# have class 'ff'
str(lapply(bff,function(x) class(x[[1]])))
#Show some results of bootstrap draws
#Reindexing by K will create a new set of ff files.
main=paste0('Bootstrap Distribution of PC',k))

# Saving and moving results:
# If the 'ff' files on disk are moved or renamed,
# this filename attribute can be changed:
old_ff_path <- physical(bff$initial_SVD$V)$filename
new_ff_path <- paste0(tempdir(),'/new_V_file.ff')
file.rename(from= old_ff_path, to= new_ff_path)
physical(bff$initial_SVD$V)$filename <- new_ff_path

Calculate bootstrap distribution of nn-dimensional PCs


bootSVD_LD Calculates the bootstrap distribution of the principal components (PCs) of a low dimensional matrix. If the score matrix is inputted, the output of bootSVD_LD can be used to to calculate bootstrap standard errors, confidence regions, or the full bootstrap distribution of the high dimensional components. Most users may want to instead consider using bootSVD, which also calculates descriptions of the high dimensional components. Note that bootSVD calls bootSVD_LD.


bootSVD_LD(UD, DUt = t(UD), bInds = genBootIndeces(B = 1000, n =
  dim(DUt)[2]), K, warning_type = "silent", verbose = getOption("verbose"),
  centerSamples = TRUE)



(optional) a (nn by nn) matrix of scores, were rows denote individuals, and columns denote measurements in the PC space.


the transpose of UD. If both UD and UDt are entered and t(UD)!=DUt, the DUt argument will override the UD argument.


a (BB by nn) matrix of bootstrap indeces, where B is the number of bootstrap samples, and n is the sample size. Each row should be an indexing vector that can be used to generate a new bootstrap sample (i.e. sample(n,replace=TRUE)). The matrix of bootstrap indeces is taken as input, rather than being calculated within bootSVD_LD, so that this method can be more easily compared against traditional bootstrap SVD methods on the exact same bootstrap samples. The bInds matrix can be calculated using the helper function genBootIndeces).


the number of PCs to be estimated.


passed to qrSVD, when taking the SVD of the low dimensional bootstrap score matrices.


if TRUE, a progress bar will appear.


whether each bootstrap sample should be centered before calculating the SVD.


For each bootstrap matrix (DU)b(DU')^b, let svd(DU)=:AbDbUbsvd(DU')=:A^b D^b U^b, where AbA^b and UbU^b are (nn by nn) orthonormal matrices, and DbD^b is a (nn by nn) diagonal matrix KK. Here we calculate only the first K columns of AbA^b, but all n columns of UbU^b. The results are stored as a list containing


a B-length list of the (n by K) matrices containing the first K PCs from each bootstrap sample. This list is indexed by b, with the bthb^{th} element containing the results from the bthb^{th} bootstrap sample.


a B-length list of vectors, indexed by the bootstrap index b, with each vector containing the singular values of the corresponding bootstrap sample.


a B-length list, indexed by the bootstrap index b, of the (nn by nn) matrices UbU^b.


The computation time required for the procedure, taken using system.time.

If the score matrix is inputted to bootSVD_LD, the results can be transformed to get the PCs on the original space by multiplying each matrix AbA^b by the PCs of the original sample, VV (see As2Vs). The bootstrap scores of the original sample are equal to UbDbU^b D^b.


#use small n, small B, for a quick illustration
Y<-simEEG(n=100, centered=TRUE, wide=TRUE) 
DUt<- tcrossprod(diag(svdY$d),svdY$u)

Leading 5 Principal Components (PCs) from EEG dataset


This package is based on (Fisher et al., 2014), which uses as an example a subset of the electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) (Quan et al. 1997). Since we cannot publish the EEG recordings from SHHS participants in this package, we instead include the summary statistics of the PCs from our subsample of the processed SHHS EEG data. These summary statistics were generated from measurements of smoothed Normalized Delta Power. This data is used by the simEEG to simulate data examples to demonstrate our functions.


Specifically, EEG_leadingV is a matrix whose columns contain the leading 5 principal components of the EEG dataset.


Aaron Fisher, Brian Caffo, and Vadim Zipunnikov. Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for p>1 million. 2014.

Stuart F Quan, Barbara V Howard, Conrad Iber, James P Kiley, F Javier Nieto, George T O'Connor, David M Rapoport, Susan Redline, John Robbins, JM Samet, et al. The sleep heart health study: design, rationale, and methods. Sleep, 20(12):1077-1085, 1997. 1.1

See Also

EEG_mu, EEG_score_var

Functional mean from EEG dataset


This package is based on (Fisher et al., 2014), which uses as an example a subset of the electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) (Quan et al. 1997). Since we cannot publish the EEG recordings from SHHS participants in this package, we instead include the summary statistics of the PCs from our subsample of the processed SHHS EEG data. These summary statistics were generated from measurements of smoothed Normalized Delta Power. This data is used by the simEEG to simulate data examples to demonstrate our functions.


Specifically, EEG_mu is a vector containing the mean normalized delta power function across all subjects, for the first 7.5 hours of sleep.


Aaron Fisher, Brian Caffo, and Vadim Zipunnikov. Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for p>1 million. 2014.

Stuart F Quan, Barbara V Howard, Conrad Iber, James P Kiley, F Javier Nieto, George T O'Connor, David M Rapoport, Susan Redline, John Robbins, JM Samet, et al. The sleep heart health study: design, rationale, and methods. Sleep, 20(12):1077-1085, 1997. 1.1

See Also

EEG_leadingV, EEG_score_var

Empirical variance of the first 5 score variables from EEG dataset


This package is based on (Fisher et al., 2014), which uses as an example a subset of the electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) (Quan et al. 1997). Since we cannot publish the EEG recordings from SHHS participants in this package, we instead include the summary statistics of the PCs from our subsample of the processed SHHS EEG data. These summary statistics were generated from measurements of smoothed Normalized Delta Power. This data is used by the simEEG to simulate data examples to demonstrate our functions.


Specifically, EEG_score_var is a vector containing the variances of the first 5 empirical score variables. Here, we refer to the score variables refer to the nn-dimensional, uncorrelated variables, whose coordinate vectors are the principal components EEG_leadingV.


Aaron Fisher, Brian Caffo, and Vadim Zipunnikov. Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for p>1 million. 2014.

Stuart F Quan, Barbara V Howard, Conrad Iber, James P Kiley, F Javier Nieto, George T O'Connor, David M Rapoport, Susan Redline, John Robbins, JM Samet, et al. The sleep heart health study: design, rationale, and methods. Sleep, 20(12):1077-1085, 1997. 1.1

See Also

EEG_mu, EEG_leadingV

Fast SVD of a wide or tall matrix


fastSVD uses the inherent low dimensionality of a wide, or tall, matrix to quickly calculate its SVD. For a matrix AA, this function solves svd(A)=UDVsvd(A)=UDV'. This function can be applied to either standard matrices, or, when the data is too large to be stored in memeory, to matrices with class ff. ff objects have a representation in memory, but store their contents on disk. In these cases, fastSVD will implement block matrix algebra to compute the SVD.


fastSVD(A, nv = min(dim(A)), warning_type = "silent", center_A = FALSE,
  pattern = NULL)



matrix of dimension (nn by mm). This can be either of class matrix or ff.


number of high dimensional singular vectors to obtain. If n>mn>m, this is the number of nn-dimensional left singular vectors to be computed. If n<mn<m, this is the number of mm-dimensional right singular vectors to be computed.


passed to qrSVD, which calculates either svd(tcrossprod(A)) or svd(crossprod(A)), whichever is of lower dimension.


Whether the matrix A should be centered before taking it's SVD. Centering is done along whichever dimension of A is larger. For example, if A is tall, then setting center_A=TRUE will return the SVD of A after centering the rows of A. This centering is implemented as a low dimensional matrix operation that does not require creating a copy of the original matrix A.


passed to ff. When A has class ff, the returned high dimensional singular vectors will also have class ff. The argument pattern is passed to ff when creating the files on disk for the high dimensional singular vectors.


Users might also consider changing the global option ffbatchbytes, from the ff package. When a ff object is entered, the ffbatchbytes option determines the maximum block size in the block matrix algebra used to calculate the SVD.


Let rr be the rank of the matrix A. fastSVD solves svd(A)=UDVsvd(A)=UDV', where UU is an (nn by rr) orthonormal matrix, DD is an (rr by rr) diagonal matrix; and VV is a (mm by rr) orthonormal matrix. When A is entered as an ff object, the high dimensional singular vectors of A will be returned as an ff object as well. For matrices where one dimension is substantially large than the other, calculation times are considerably faster than the standard svd function.


matplot(svdY$v[,1:5],type='l',lty=1) #sample PCs for a wide matrix are the right singular vectors

#Note: For a tall, demeaned matrix Y, with columns corresponding 
#to subjects and rows to measurements, 
#the PCs are the high dimensional left singular vectors.

#Example with 'ff'

Matrix multiplication with "ff_matrix" or "matrix" inputs


A function for crossprod(x,y), for tcrossprod(x,y), or for regular matrix multiplication, that is compatible with ff matrices. Multiplication is done without creating new matrices for the transposes of x or y. Note, the crossproduct function can't be applied directly to objects with class ff.


ffmatrixmult(x, y = NULL, xt = FALSE, yt = FALSE, ram.output = FALSE,
  override.big.error = FALSE, ...)



a matrix or ff_matrix


a matrix or ff_matrix. If NULL, this is set equal to x, although a second copy of the matrix x is not actually stored.


should the x matrix be transposed before multiplying


should the y matrix be transposed before multiplying (e.g. xt=TRUE, yt=FALSE leads to crossprod(x,y)).


force output to be a normal matrix, as opposed to an object with class ff.


If the dimension of the final output matrix is especially large, ffmatrixmult will abort, giving an error. This is meant to avoid the accidental creation of very large matrices. Set override.big.error=TRUE to bypass this error.


passed to ff.


A standard matrix, or a matrix with class ff if one of the input matrices has class ff.


## Not run: 
	#Tall data
	y_tall<-matrix(rnorm(5000),500,10) #y tall
	y_tall_ff<-as.ff(y_tall) #y tall and ff
	y_wide_ff<-as.ff(y_wide) #y tall and ff

 #Set options to ensure that block matrix algebra is actually done,
 #and the entire algebra isn't just one in one step.
 #Compare ffmatrixmult against output from standard methods

 #small final matrices
	range(  crossprod(x_tall) - ffmatrixmult(x_tall_ff, xt=TRUE)  )
	range(  tcrossprod(x_wide) - ffmatrixmult(x_wide_ff, yt=TRUE)  )
	range(  crossprod(x_tall,y_tall) - ffmatrixmult(x_tall_ff,y_tall_ff, xt=TRUE)  )
	range(  tcrossprod(x_wide,y_wide) - ffmatrixmult(x_wide_ff,y_wide_ff, yt=TRUE)  )
	range(  (x_wide%*%y_tall) - ffmatrixmult(x_wide_ff,y_tall_ff)  )

	#ff + small data
	s_tall <- matrix(rnorm(80),10,8) 
	s_wide <- matrix(rnorm(80),8,10) 

	#tall output
	range(  crossprod(x_wide, s_tall) - ffmatrixmult(x_wide_ff, s_tall,xt=TRUE)[]  )
	range(  tcrossprod(x_tall, s_wide) - ffmatrixmult(x_tall_ff, s_wide,yt=TRUE)[]  )
	range( x_tall%*%s_tall - ffmatrixmult(x_tall_ff, s_tall)[])

	#Wide output
	range(  crossprod(s_tall, y_wide) - ffmatrixmult( s_tall, y_wide_ff,xt=TRUE)[]  )
	range(  tcrossprod(s_wide, y_tall) - ffmatrixmult( s_wide,y_tall_ff,yt=TRUE)[]  )
	range( s_wide%*%y_wide - ffmatrixmult(s_wide,y_wide_ff)[])

 #Reset options for more practical use

## End(Not run)

Generate a random set of bootstrap resampling indeces


Let nn be the original sample size, pp be the number of measurements per subject, and BB be the number of bootstrap samples. genBootIndeces generates a (BB by nn) matrix containing BB indexing vectors that can be used to create BB bootstrap samples, each of size nn.


genBootIndeces(B, n)



number of desired bootstrap samples


size of original sample from which we'll be resampling.


A (BB by nn) matrix of bootstrap indeces. Let bInds denote the output of getBootIndeces, and Y denote the original (pp by nn) sample. Then Y[,bInds[b,]] is the bthb^{th} bootstrap sample.



Generate random orthonormal matrix


genQ generates a square matrix of random normal noise, and then takes the QR decomposition to return Q, a random orthogonal square matrix.


genQ(n, lim_attempts = 200)



the dimension of the desired random orthonormal matrix


the random matrix of normal noise must be full rank to generate the appropriate QR decomposition. lim_attempts gives the maximum number of attempts for generating a full rank matrix of normal noise.


a random orthonormal (nn by nn) matrix



Calculate bootstrap moments and moment-based confidence intervals for the PCs.


Let KK be the number of PCs of interest, let BB be the number of bootstrap samples, and let pp be the number of measurements per subject, also known as the dimension of the sample. In general, we use kk to refer to the principal component (PC) index, where k=1,2,...Kk=1,2,...K, and use bb to refer to the bootstrap index, where b=1,2,...Bb=1,2,...B.


getMomentsAndMomentCI(AsByK, V, K = length(AsByK), verbose = FALSE)



a list of the bootstrap PC matrices. This list should be indexed by kk, with the kthk^{th} element of the lsit containing a bb by pp matrix of results for the kthk^{th} PC, across bootstrap samples.


a (pp by nn) matrix containing the coordinate vectors for the matrices within the AsByK list, where nn is sample size and pp is sample dimension. Generally for bootstrap PCA, AsByK should contain the PCs for the bootstrap scores, and V should be the matrix of PCs from the original sample. The argument V may also be a ff object.


the number of leading PCs for which moments and confidence intervals should be obtained.


setting to TRUE will cause the function to print its progress in calculating the bootstrap variance for each PC.


a list containing


a list containing element-wise bootstrap means for each of the K fitted PCs, indexed by k.


a list containing element-wise bootstrap variances for each of the K fitted PCs, indexed by k.


a list containing element-wise bootstrap standard errors for each of the K fitted PCs, indexed by k.


a list of (pp by 22) matrices, indexed by k, where momentCI[[k]][j,] is the pointwise moment-based CI for the jthj^{th} element of the kthk^{th} PC.


#use small n, small B, for a quick illustration
Y<-simEEG(n=100, centered=TRUE, wide=TRUE) 
V<-svdY$v #right singular vectors of the wide matrix Y
DUt<- tcrossprod(diag(svdY$d),svdY$u)

plot(V[,1],type='l',ylim=c(-.1,.1),main='Original PC1, with CI in blue')

#Can also use this function to get moments for low dimensional
#vectors A^b[,k], by setting V to the identity matrix.
moments_A<- getMomentsAndMomentCI(As=AsByK,V=diag(ncol(AsByK[[1]])))

Quickly print an R object's size


Quickly print an R object's size


os(x, units = "Mb")



an object of interest


measure to print size in





Wrapper for svd, which uses random preconditioning to restart when svd fails to converge


In order to generate the SVD of the matrix x, qrSVD calls genQ to generate a random orthonormal matrix, and uses this random matrix to precondition x. The svd of the preconditioned matrix is calculated, and adjusted to account for the preconditioning process in order to find svd(x).


qrSVD(x, lim_attempts = 50, warning_type = "silent",
  warning_file = "qrSVD_warnings.txt", ...)



a matrix to calculate the svd for


the number of tries to randomly precondition x. We generally find that one preconditioning attempt is sufficient.


controls whether the user should be told if an orthogonal preconditioning matrix is required, or if svd gives warnings. 'silent' ignores these warnings, 'print' prints the warning to the console, and 'file' saves the warnings in a text file.


gives the location of a file to print warnings to, if warning_type is set to 'file'.


parameters passed to svd, such as nv and nu.


Solves svd(x)=UDVsvd(x)=UDV', where UU is an matrix containing the left singular vectors of xx, DD is a diagonal matrix containing the singular values of xx; and VV is a matrix containing the right singular vectors of xx (output follows the same notation convention as the svd function).

qrSVD will attempt the standard svd function before preconditioning the matrix xx.

See Also



x <-matrix(rnorm(3*5),nrow=3,ncol=5)
svdx <- qrSVD(x)

Used for calculation of low dimensional standard errors & percentiles, by re-indexing the AbA^b by PC index (kk) rather than bootstrap index (bb).


This function is used as a precursor step for calculate bootstrap standard errors, or percentiles. For very high dimensional data, we recommend that the this function be applied to the low dimensional components AbA^b, but the function can also be used to reorder a list of high dimensional bootstrap PCs. It can equivalently be used to reorder a list of scores. In general, we recommend that as many operations as possible be applied to the low dimensional components, as opposed to their high dimensional counterparts. This function is called by getMomentsAndMomentCI.


reindexMatricesByK(matricesByB, pattern)



a B-length list of (r by K) matrices from each bootstrap sample. If the list elements have class ff, the returned matrices will also have class ff.


(optional) passed to ff.


a K-length list of (BB by rr) matrices. If elements of matricesByB have class ff, then the returned, reordered matrices will also have class ff.


#use small n, small B, for a quick illustration
Y<-simEEG(n=100, centered=TRUE, wide=TRUE) 
V<- svdY$v #original sample PCs
DUt<- tcrossprod(diag(svdY$d),svdY$u)

# to get 'low dimensional PC' moments and lower percentiles

meanA1<-	apply(AsByK[[1]],2,mean)
seA1<-	apply(AsByK[[1]],2,sd)
pA1<-	apply(AsByK[[1]],2,function(x) quantile(x,.05))
#can also use lapply to get a list (indexed by k=1,...K) of 
#the means, standard errors, or percentiles for each PC. 
#See example below, for high dimensional bootstrap PCs.

#Alternatively, moments can be calculated with
seA1_v2<- getMomentsAndMomentCI(As=AsByK,

#Additional examples of exploring the low dimensional bootstrap 
#PC distribution are given in the documentation for 
#the 'bootSVD' function.

#High dimensional percentiles for each PC
	apply(mat_k,2,function(x) quantile(x,c(.025,.975)))
k=2 # the 2nd PC is a little more interesting here.

# Note: This function can also be used to reorganize the
#   high dimensional PCs. For 'ff' matrices, this will
#   create a new set of files on disk.

Used to study of the bootstrap distribution of the k^th singular values, by re-indexing the list of dbd^b vectors to be organized by PC index (kk) rather than bootstrap index (bb).


Used to study of the bootstrap distribution of the k^th singular values, by re-indexing the list of dbd^b vectors to be organized by PC index (kk) rather than bootstrap index (bb).





a B-length list, containing vectors with the n values from each bootstrap sample.


a K-length list of (BB by nn) matrices, where each matrices' rows refers to the values from a different bootstrap sample.


#use small n, small B, for a quick illustration
Y<-simEEG(n=100, centered=TRUE, wide=TRUE) 
DUt<- tcrossprod(diag(svdY$d),svdY$u)


boxplot(dsByK[[1]],main='Bootstrap distribution of 1st singular value')

Simulation functional EEG data


Our data from (Fisher et al. 2014) consists of EEG measurements from the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) (Quan et al. 1997). Since we cannot publish the EEG recordings from the individuals in the SHHS, we instead include the summary statistics of the PCs from our subsample of the processed SHHS EEG data. This data is used by the simEEG to simulate functional data that is approximately similar to the data used in our work. The resulting simulated vectors are always of length 900, and are generated from 5 basis vectors (see EEG_leadingV).


simEEG(n = 100, centered = TRUE, propVarNoise = 0.45, wide = TRUE)



the desired sample size


if TRUE, the sample will be centered to have mean zero for each dimension. If FALSE, measurements will be simulated from a population where the mean is equal to that observed in the sample used in (Fisher et al. 2014) (see EEG_mu).


the approximate proportion of total sample variance attributable to random noise.


if TRUE, the resulting data is outputted as a n by 900 matrix, with each row corresponding to a different subject. If FALSE, the resulting data is outputted as a 900 by n matrix, with each column corresponding to a different subject.


A matrix containing n simulated measurement vectors of Normalized Delta Power, for the first 7.5 hours of sleep. These vectors are generated according to the equation:

y=j=15Bjsj+ey = \sum_{j=1}^{5} B_j * s_j + e

Where yy is the simulated measurement for a subject, BjB_j is the jthj^{th} basis vector, sjs_j is a random normal variable with mean zero, and e is a vector of random normal noise. The specific values for BjB_j and var(sj)var(s_j) are determined from the EEG data sample studied in (Fisher et al., 2014), and are respectively equal to the jthj^{th} empirical principal component vector (see EEG_leadingV), and the empirical variance of the jthj^{th} score variable (see EEG_score_var).


Aaron Fisher, Brian Caffo, and Vadim Zipunnikov. Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for p>1 million. 2014.

Stuart F Quan, Barbara V Howard, Conrad Iber, James P Kiley, F Javier Nieto, George T O'Connor, David M Rapoport, Susan Redline, John Robbins, JM Samet, et al. The sleep heart health study: design, rationale, and methods. Sleep, 20(12):1077-1085, 1997. 1.1



#Low noise example, for an illustration of smoother functions

#Higher noise example, for PCA
V<-svdY$v #since Y is wide, the PCs are the right singular vectors (svd(Y)$v). 
head(cumsum(d^2)/sum(d^2),5) #first 5 PCs explain about half the variation

# Compare fitted PCs to true, generating basis vectors
# Since PCs have arbitrary sign, we match the sign of 
# the fitted sample PCs to the population PCs first
V_sign_adj<- array(NA,dim=dim(V))
for(i in 1:5){
	V_sign_adj[,i]<-V[,i] * sign(crossprod(V[,i],EEG_leadingV[,i]))
		main='PCs from simulated data,\n sign adjusted')
matplot(EEG_leadingV,type='l',lty=1,main='Population PCs')